kitting &


We’re equipped to handle, from simple kits, where a few items are assembled into a basic package, to complex kits that include several components like die-cut boxes with trays, specialized inserts, wafer seals, custom wrapping, and just about anything else.

Manage Your Kitting Projects

Pick & pack and kitting services to meet your needs.  Whether you need sales and marketing kits, promotional prizes, or specially priced product bundles, we have the equipment and the skilled personel to handle kit assembly efficiently and cost-effectively.

Subscription Boxes and Kits

Subscription boxes are an integral part of the ecommerce experience.  Businesses in the subscription space have found success in many categories: pet products, beauty products, specialized hobbies and much more.  We can put together everything for you and make a beautiful box that grabs the attention of your customer.  One item many companies miss out on are the details and we don’t miss any.  Do you have custom inserts?  We can add those too.  This not only helps with retention, but adds that custom feel businesses need to keep customers.

Free Fulfillment
Request Form

Call us today (714) 838-1177 or fill out our fulfillment request form below.  We’ll go through your options and give specific pricing and recommendations for your business.